
Faculty and Student Publications and Citations

Faculty Publications

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Journal Conference Book Chapters
1 Dr. M. K. Chaudhari 6 Nil Nil
2 Dr. D. M. Sonje 15 14 1
3 Dr. A. S. Koshti 21 11 7
4 Dr. R.V.S. Ramkrishna 15 3 Nil
5 Dr. V. R. Naphade 4 5 1
6 Dr. Mrs. S. G. Khadilkar 5 2 1
7 Mr. M. U. Shetty 2 Nil Nil
8 Mr. S.  P. Koparkar Nil 2 Nil
9 Mr. M. V.  Reddy 5 2 1
10 Mrs. R.  S. Tidke 3 Nil Nil
11 Mr. H. B. Wagh Nil 2 Nil
12 Mr. S. K. Mahajan Nil 2 Nil
13 Mr. S. V. Chakor Nil 2 Nil
14 Mrs. M. P. Deshpande 1 4 Nil
15 Mr. V. S. Meshram Nil 3 Nil
16 Mr. H. V. Kulkarni 2 Nil Nil
17 Mr. R. M. Shinde 1 Nil Nil
18 Mrs. J. N. Erande 2 Nil Nil


Sr. No. Name of Staff Google Scholar Citations Scopus Citations
Citations h-index i10-index Citations h-index
1. Dr. R.V.S. Ramkrishna 575 14 19 450 11
2. Dr. A. S. Koshti 340 7 6 236 7
3. Dr. D.M. Sonje 60 4 3 40 3
4. Dr. V.R. Naphade 15 2 1 8 1
5. Dr. S.G. Khadilkar 10 2 0 8 2
6. Dr. M. K. Chaudhari 4 1
  1. “Solar Based Smart Utilizer for Domestic Purpose”, Atharva Avhad TE student, Journal of emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. Date of Publication 22-09-2021.
  2. “Performance Analysis of Static Var Compensator on Single phase single machine system” Sameer Gujrathi, Sudhir P. Koparkar, International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering by WRFER
  3. Gaurav Shinde, Deepak Sonje, “A Consequence of partial shading on the attribute curves of a photovoltaic panel”, Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co.Ltd.
  4. Yash Bangali, Deepak Sonje, “Design and analysis of 3 phase induction motor using Ansys Maxwell” published in Journal of Science and Technology, vol.6, pp.318-324, 2021.
  5. “Solar Based Smart Water Utilizer for Domestic Purpose”, Atharva Avhad TE student, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. Date of Publication 22-09-2021.
  6. Tejashree M. Kadam, Shrunkhala G. Khadilkar presented a paper titled, “Performance analysis of Hybrid DCCBs with & without co-ordination of MMCs”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICRTEEE-21), 23-24 Dec 2021(Virtual mode).
  7. Saurabh Samant has presented a paper entitled, “The case study on electric vehicle manufacturer: OLA”, in a National level virtual students conference on AL, ML, and IOT applications in electrical engineering, organised by IET local network Nashik from 22nd -23rd Nov 2021.
  8. Mamata S. Patil,S. Koshti, ‘Symmetrical Pulse Width Modulation technique for Harmonic elimination in PWM AC Voltage regulator using random Search Method, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Nov. 2022, pp. 479-492,(BOOK CHAPTER).

Publication Summary

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Conference publications Conference Publications
Journal Publications Journal Publications
Book Chapters Book Chapter